Tasty Ideas
For Breakfast
- On toast, goes great with nut butters
- On pancakes/waffles/french toast
- In a Fruit Salad
For Appetizers
- On crackers with and without cream cheese or other cheeses
- With various cream cheese roll ups
- On top of a baked brie
- On Nachos
- In phyllo cups with goat cheese or cream cheese
For Supper
- In a chicken or steak wrap
- As a dipping sauce for chick fingers
- As a glaze over meats (ribs, chicken)
- Sweet/Hot BBQ sauce
- Hot wings sauce
- On burgers with or without BBQ sauce
For Dessert
- In black forest cake or truffles
- In cheese cake
- With brownies, blended or drizzle
- With ice cream, blended or drizzle
- With fruit pizza, blended or drizzle
- In a chocolate fondue sauce